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Home > Compute Articles > Software > WWAN - Output Only GP Sentences from GPS
WWAN - Output Only GP Sentences from GPS
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Q: How do I make my GPS + Glonass output only GP Sentences?


A: Your Unit should be getting GPS from the Sierra Wireless Module. Please follow these steps:


  1. Go to
  2. Download GetacGPSCommand (The first item)
  3. Unzip
  4. Open Command Prompt
  5. Change directory to the folder where GetacGPSCommand.exe is
  6. Type GetacGPSCommand.exe AT!GPSNMEASENTENCE=1F
  7. Press enter (it will say ok if done correctly)
  8. Type GetacGPSCommand.exe AT!RESET
  9. Press Enter (it will say ok)
  10. After waiting about a 30-60 seconds it should be completed
  11. Type GetacGPSCommand.exe 2 9600 (2 is the comport of the GPS. If the COM port is different change it to whatever it is)
  12. Press enter
  13. It will run the GPS for 10 seconds showing GP sentences only
  14. Close the command prompt and start using GPS as needed


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