Dec 31, 2024
Q: How do I make my GPS + Glonass output only GP Sentences?
A: Your Unit should be getting GPS from the Sierra Wireless Module. Please follow these steps:
- Go to
- Download GetacGPSCommand (The first item)
- Unzip
- Open Command Prompt
- Change directory to the folder where GetacGPSCommand.exe is
- Type GetacGPSCommand.exe AT!GPSNMEASENTENCE=1F
- Press enter (it will say ok if done correctly)
- Type GetacGPSCommand.exe AT!RESET
- Press Enter (it will say ok)
- After waiting about a 30-60 seconds it should be completed
- Type GetacGPSCommand.exe 2 9600 (2 is the comport of the GPS. If the COM port is different change it to whatever it is)
- Press enter
- It will run the GPS for 10 seconds showing GP sentences only
- Close the command prompt and start using GPS as needed