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Home > Compute Articles > Software > Barcode - TRACS only @ Shows Up
Barcode - TRACS only @ Shows Up
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Q: When I scan a Drivers License into TRACS it only brings in the @ sign instead of finding the person. If I scan into Barcode Manager it shows all the data. How do we correct this?


A: To configure the Barcode for TRACs Program:
  1. Make sure that the main TRACCs Program is closed.
  2. Open Barcode Manager
  3. Click Advanced
  4. Click Mode Switch
  5. Click COM Port
  6. Open Device Manager
  7. Open Ports
  8. Double Click the Barcode Scanner
  9. Click Port Settings
  10. Change Bits per second to 115200
  11. Click OK
  12. Open the TRACs Configuration Manager.
  13. In the TRACs Configuration Program, Change the settings to match that of the settings in the Device Manager:
    1. HHPBarcodeReader4600
    2. Com Port: Whatever Device Manager had the COM Port Set to
    3. Baud: 115200
    4. Make sure the name of the Scanner is set to what Device Manager Calls it
      1. Example: 5180 Area Imager
  14. Save Changes and close the Configuration Manager
  15. Open TRACS and test a scan. You can use the below test drivers License to pull in data
Test Drivers License
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