Mar 08, 2024
This article provides steps for troubleshooting upload issues from the various Getac video products.
Assets are queued, but not uploading to Getac Enterprise from either an MVS or the MasterDock application.
Impacted Hardware
- VR-X10.
- VR-X20.
- VR-X20 F1.
- MD-02D.
- MDT running MasterDock.
Troubleshooting Steps
- Is this a new Unit, or new customer?
- Verify network functionality for offload using FileZilla.
- If unable to view the FTP directory, there is a network traffic issue.
Note:Another good indicator is the Unit historically has 0 transferred files.
- There are various known issues on old software with data getting stuck. Is this Unit on the latest software?
- If not, update to the latest software and monitor Videos tab from Service Status.
- If you do not see it move from Online or Standby, move to step 3.
- Check the VideoSync, VideoUpload, and StuckVideos logs in C:\Program Files(x86)\IRSA\IRSATemp directory.
- These offer more verbose error messages.
- VideoSync should tell you if it is getting stuck during syncing metadata.
- VideoUpload should tell you if it is getting stuck during the actual file upload.
- StuckVideos will tell you if there are videos in the pending stuck state, that should resolve on their own within 48 hours.
- If nothing turns up here, or you do not understand something, escalate it or move to step 4.
- Move to the FTP server for troubleshooting. Is the IRSA Crawler service running?
- If it is, move to step 5.
- If not, start it and monitor the IRSAFTP\Transcoded directory. You should see files cycling through here, which would indicate Crawler is working properly. If you do not, move to step 5.
- Check the IRSAFTP\Archived directory. Are there any recent files present?
- This is where processed data goes before the local copy is deleted.
- If there is a file there, check that it is available in Getac Enterprise.
- If it is, and you still notice no new data is available, move to step 6.
- If you notice assets in Getac Enterprise have no thumbnail, but appear available, this is a storage server issue. Escalate.
- Check the IRSAFTP root. Do you see any .MP4 files that DO NOT have a related .lock file?
- If you do, and nothing is moving through transcoded, this implies a more serious issue that may require development.
- Escalate, or move to step 7.
- Check Crawler logs in C:\temp directory. Sometimes the error messages present here will provide a good indicator of where the issue is and how to fix it.
- If nothing sticks out, escalate.