Mar 07, 2024
This article showcases features generally available to Supervisor roles and above.
However, since Getac Enterprise is highly configurable, the ability to complete tasks described in this article may be different for each User, depending on policy. Please contact an administrator with all access questions and concerns.
Reports provide detailed insight into all system or User actions based on specific criteria.
Watch the video below for how to navigate the different reports:
Report types
Asset-based Reports:
- Assets Acquired - Lists all media processed by Getac Enterprise with pertinent information.
- Assets Unviewed - Lists all media that has not been viewed by any User within Online w/GETAC with pertinent information (Date/time, IP Address, Etc.).
- Assets Viewed - Lists all media that has been viewed by any User within Getac Enterprise with pertinent information (Date/time, IP Address, Etc.).
- Assets Shared - Lists all media shared via Email Sharing by authorized users with pertinent info (email, expiration).
- Assets by User - Lists media by recorded duration and storage amounts by individual User account.
- Assets by Unit - Lists media by recorded duration and storage amounts by Unit.
- Storage by User - Lists all storage quantities generated by users for MVS and BWC videos.
- Storage by Unit - Lists all storage quantities generated by MVS and BWCs.
- Bookmarks - Lists all Bookmarks per Asset from Getac MVS and BWC Units.
- File Upload Log - Lists the upload status of all Assets within Getac Enterprise.
- Uncategorized Assets - Lists all Assets that have not been categorized.
- Custom Report - Non-standard reports that have been created to address specific customer needs. To request one, contact [email protected] with the pertinent details or to discuss.
- Custom Forms - Provides individual .CSV downloadable reports for Asset information specific to Assets with completed Category Forms.
- Deleted Assets - Lists all Assets that have reached the end of their Retention policy and have been deleted.
A record of each Asset is maintained in the database even after deletion.
- Missing Videos - Files that have synchronized Metadata with the database, but have not completed the transfer due to Failed Upload or corrupt files.
System-based Reports:
- Enterprise Access Log - Lists all user Getac Enterprise login and logout events.
- Azure Signin Logs - Shows the Station and page being accessed, date/time, event, e.g. authentication, failed log in, etc., username, the Getac Enterprise version number, User's first and last name, and IP Address.
Note:This log only populates when an Getac Enterprise instance is configured for OpenID Connect integrations.
- Unit Access Log - Shows all Unit, e.g. MVS User login and logout events.
- Enterprise Log - A Detailed log of all Getac Enterprise User and system activity.
- Unit Log - A Detailed log of all Unit, e.g. MVS User and system activity.
- Unit Exceptions Log - A log of found issues and device exceptions for related Units.
- Unit Config Changes - Lists all configuration changes made by date/time and Unit.
- Live View Shared - A report showing when/who shared a live video link to a Unit.
- Live View Access - A report showing who watched a live stream from a Unit.
- Failed Log-Ins - A detailed log listing all failed Getac Enterprise log-in attempts when the login attempt came from and why it failed.
Note:This report is only available for System Administrators in Getac Enterprise. Contact [email protected] to request.
- EC Version, BIOS and Display Report - Provides important MVS Unit configuration details, such as: EC Version, Display Driver, Model, SN, BIOS, OS, HDI, .NET, and Battery.
- FOTA Update Report - A detailed log of all Unit status for over-the-air software updates.